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Health Care Worker Exposure Response and Outcomes (HERO) Registry*

Medical professional donning face mask

Health Care Worker Exposure Response and Outcomes (HERO) Registry

Participate in a Health Care Worker Exposure Response and Outcomes (HERO) Registry Study

Because you know what it takes to be a HERO.

The Health Care Worker Exposure Response and Outcomes (HERO) Registry is a large, national clinical research community. It invites health care workers including nurses, therapists, physicians, emergency responders, food service workers, environmental service workers, interpreters, transporters -- anyone who works in a setting where people receive health care, across America to share clinical and life experiences to understand the perspectives and problems they face on the COVID-19 pandemic front lines.

HERO Registry participants could have the opportunity to participate in future research studies to improve our understanding of COVID-19 and beyond, generating evidence to help keep healthcare workers safe and healthy. 

How to Get Started

You can learn more and sign up for the registry at

HERO Registry Study

As a health care worker on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, you work tirelessly to protect our patients from this novel infection. We are extremely grateful and proud of your dedication and passion. As you continue to support others during this crisis, we want to continue to support you. To do this we need evidence to keep health care workers and their families safe and healthy. 

We invite you to learn about the Health Care Exposure Response and Outcomes (HERO) Registry. The HERO Registry collects information from health care workers to better understand the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has on you, your colleagues, family, and friends. 

You can learn more and sign up for the registry at

The registry is open to anyone who works in a health care setting, including nurses, therapists, physicians, emergency responders, food service workers, environmental service workers, interpreters, and transporters. 

You can learn more and sign up for the registry at Consider watching this video message about the registry from a fellow health care worker. 

Your participation is entirely voluntary and there is no cost to join. 

After joining, you will receive surveys, opportunities to participate in future studies, and learnings from the HERO research community. You can participate as much or as little as you like. 

The registry will follow a protocol and data guidelines to keep your information secure. 

You can learn more and sign up for the registry at

HERO research is funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, coordinated by the Duke Clinical Research Institute, and leverages PCORnet®, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. 

By joining the registry you can:

  • Answer short surveys and participate in clinical research
  • Identify questions to address in future clinical research studies
  • Stay informed about HERO research