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Researcher giving a presentation of his research findings to colleagues.

Partner With Us

Partner with a leading research institution with state-of-the-art facilities, unmatched care and numerous trials covering all facets of research.

Research Institute Overview Video

Why Partner with AdventHealth Research Institute?

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World-Class Researchers

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High Volumes; Rapid Enrollment; Superior Data Management

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Specialized Facilities and Equipment

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Diverse Participant Population

AdventHealth Research Institute by the Numbers


Active studies, from NICU babies to seniors




Therapeutically focused research teams


Research publications in peer-reviewed journals

Businesspeople walking down a hallway.

Our Partners

Partnerships with various companies, manufacturers, and medical professionals enable highly customized studies and the achievement of radically advancing health care.

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Learn how you can become part of the exciting advancements AdventHealth Research Institute is making in the field of medicine.

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