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A032103 MODERN: An Integrated Phase 2/3 and Phase 3 Trial of MRD-Based Optimization of ADjuvant ThErapy in URothelial CaNcer A032103


MODERN: An Integrated Phase 2/3 and Phase 3 Trial of MRD-Based Optimization of ADjuvant ThErapy in URothelial CaNcer A032103

Associated Conditions

Bladder Cancer

Principal Investigator

Guru Sonpavde


Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology

This study is being done to answer the following question: After having your bladder surgically removed after being diagnosed with bladder cancer, can we better identify which patients need an additional treatment called immunotherapy to help prevent the cancer from coming back?

We are doing this study because we want to find out if this approach is better or worse than the usual approach for bladder cancer. The usual approach is defined as care most people get for bladder cancer.

This study is currently enrolling.