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Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging Research

Life has so much to offer at every age. Our scientists and clinical staff are working to understand how to help mature adults get more out of each and every stage of life by conducting studies to learn how exercise, nutrition, new medication and more can impact the health and wellbeing of seniors.

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Understanding Healthy Aging Research

  • Interventions, such as supervised exercise or changes to diet and nutrition
  • In-person visits or overnight stays at the Translational Research Institute in Downtown Orlando
  • Body measurements
  • Non-invasive imaging, such as DEXA or MRI
  • Blood or tissue samples
  • How does whole-body metabolism change with aging?
  • How does the skeletal muscle functional capacity change with aging? How does exercise and/or nutritional/drug interventions affect these changes?
  • How does reduced physical activity or bed rest alter whole-body and skeletal muscle metabolism? How do these metabolic changes relate to functional capacity?
  • How does type 2 diabetes affect muscle mass, metabolism and recovery in older adults who are sedentary or on bed rest?
  • How does brown adipose tissue mass (a type of body fat) differ in older adults who are sedentary compared to those who are physically active?
  • What is the relationship between brown adipose tissue mass, cardiovascular fitness and insulin resistance in older adults?
  • This research can help us identify critical aspects of health and metabolism that can improve the quality of care received in a clinical setting.
  • New findings may contribute to the development or refinement of nutritional and physical activity guidelines which can improve our community’s quality of life.
  • Findings from nutritional and drug intervention studies can lead to the approval of new drugs that may prevent or slow down the development of age-related diseases.

Every research study is different, but some participants may:

  • gain knowledge of your health status and learn about ways you may be able to improve it
  • lose weight, improve body composition and physical function
  • receive monetary compensation
  • undergo supervised one-on-one personal training
  • be the first to receive beneficial drugs/supplementation that may significantly improve health
  • have access to leaders in the field to ask questions or have discussions about health-related topics


Participants are thoroughly screened by a medical doctor and clinic staff to ensure that the intervention and/or study procedure is safe. Intervention studies are closely monitored on site and virtually by highly trained clinical staff. The environment at the Translational Research Institute (TRI) is safe and welcoming where we encourage participants to ask as many questions as they need to feel safe and comfortable with participation.