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Browse clinical research areas and learn more about our groundbreaking studies and capabilities.

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All Clinical Research Areas

Cancer Icon
High-quality clinical research with a goal to eradicate cancer
Collaborative Icon
Center for Academic Research Excellence
Data-driven research and the standardization of the research volunteer process
Collaborative Icon
Center for Nursing Research
Diabetes Icon
Center for Pancreas Research
Cancer Icon
Critical Care
Our world-class team of researchers, clinical scientists and support staff is equipped to meet a wide array of research needs.
Endoscopy Icon
Digestive Health and Surgery
Latest advanced techniques and procedural services available for the treatment of digestive disorders
Robotics Icon
Global Robotics Institute
Care through minimally invasive surgery
Cardiovascular Icon
Heart, Lung and Vascular
Improvement of patient outcomes in areas such as heart disease, cardiac and vascular surgery, and preventive cardiology
Cancer Icon
Infectious Disease
Our world-class team of researchers, clinical scientists and support staff is equipped to meet a wide array of research needs.
Systems Icon
INPRACTICE: Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN)
Neuroscience Icon
Research aimed to further understand neurological disorders, such as stroke, brain tumors, and epilepsy
Ortho Icon
Studies that improve the care and outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal disease
Pediatric Icon
Research and data analysis that improves clinical performance and care quality for pediatric health care
Pharmacy Icon
Research in medication and various disease states
Surgical_Advancement Icon
Basic, clinical and translational research with the aim of improving outcomes for all surgical patients
Diabetes Icon
Translational Research
Innovative translational research that leads to discoveries and cures for obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
Transplant Icon
Most current treatments in areas like abdominal organ transplants and advanced liver, heart, and lung disease
Creation_Health Icon
Evidence-based care pathways that focus on whole-person care: the mind, body and spirit

Research Support Offices

Creation_Health Icon
Centralized Core Services
Research Biostatistics, Health Economics, Centralized Laboratory, Medical Editing
IRB Icon
Institutional Review Board
All reviewed research conducted at AdventHealth Orlando for ethical standards, scientific merit and compliance
Integrity Icon
Office of Research Integrity and Compliance
Ethical and compliance aspects of research
Sponsored Icon
Office of Sponsored Programs
Assistance to investigators and research teams in their efforts to conduct research under the auspices of AdventHealth Orlando
Finance Icon
Research Finance
Financial integrity of research-related studies
Systems Icon
Research Information Systems
Support of research, clinical applications, and the data warehouse used of data queries and other use